On 29/06/2006, at 6:17 PM, Dan Minette wrote:

Good find on the phase diagram Charlie. To pick a nit, if the consistency and structural integrity at that temp was actually the same as well- chewed gum, I don't think that blacksmiths would have required big hammers and big
arms. :-)

*Well-chewed* may mean something different to me. Lost all its flavour, and started to go hard again... Put three sticks of DoubleMint in your gob and chew them for 4 hours, your jaws will look like the blacksmiths arms...

Hyperbola aside, I presume that you have no difficulty with the
multiple references to about a factor of 2 reduction in yield strength at
that temperature.

Certainly don't have a problem with it. Plus it also shears far more easily.

I'm a firm believer in the 9/11 conspiracy theory - the one where a bunch of well-funded Saudis decided to do the most spectacular attack on the most potent symbols of America's position in the world, and so hijacked some planes and crashed them into the WTC, the Pentagon, and would have destroyed something else, probably the White House, if not for the passengers trying to take the plane back. There's much I don't like - the Bush administration sucking up to the Saudis and allowing Bin Laden's relatives to flee the States, the way the Bush administration conflated the hatred of Iraq with TWAT. But that's the conspiracy, right there.


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