> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Charlie Bell
> Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 11:05 AM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples
> *Well-chewed* may mean something different to me. Lost all its
> flavour, and started to go hard again... Put three sticks of
> DoubleMint in your gob and chew them for 4 hours, your jaws will look
> like the blacksmiths arms...

Ah, we did have different mental pictures.
> > Hyperbola aside, I presume that you have no difficulty with the
> > multiple references to about a factor of 2 reduction in yield
> > strength at
> > that temperature.
> Certainly don't have a problem with it. Plus it also shears far more
> easily.
> I'm a firm believer in the 9/11 conspiracy theory - the one where a
> bunch of well-funded Saudis decided to do the most spectacular attack
> on the most potent symbols of America's position in the world, and so
> hijacked some planes and crashed them into the WTC, the Pentagon, and
> would have destroyed something else, probably the White House, if not
> for the passengers trying to take the plane back. 

Now, there's a conspiracy theory I can buy into 100%. :-)  I'll not respond
to your criticism of Bush because I think we've already laid out our
positions on Bush's actions and both know the nuances of the relatively
modest differences we have on just how Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED]&#^'d up. 

Dan M. 


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