On Jul 14, 2006, at 8:34 AM, Dan Minette wrote:

Dear All,

I IM'd with Gautam, and he said he'd be willing to ask a couple of
questions concerning 9-11 and the conspiracy theories of his friend who
worked on the report.  But, he won't pepper her with a laundry list of
questions, she's rather sick of the various conspiracy theories.

As I mentioned, she's a liberal Democrat, so she wouldn't have political
motivation to protect GWB et. al.

So, what couple of questions would help people understand the official
report better?  In particular, I'd be interested in seeing questions
that would assure people that the matter was studied carefully.

With all due respect to the fact that a lot of people are sick and tired
of the various conspiracy theories, I do not think it is unfair to assert
that no small number consider the official version to be just another
theory, albeit a well-researched and -funded one.

I haven't read the complete report, but I don't think that it addresses
the competing theories the way that the others address the official

For me, questions that compare the official report's explanation of the
attack and its aftermath with the major common elements of the top
couple of conspiracy theories (how is it that WTC 1 & 2 fell at very
near free-fall-in-a-vacuum speeds; what _exactly_ was the mechanism by
which WTC 7 fell -- a building which did _not_ have thousands of gallons
of burning Jet-A in it; and so forth) would go a long way towards taking
energy out of the competing theories.

Thanks for asking, Dan!



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