At 09:53 PM Sunday 7/23/2006, Nick Arnett wrote:
On 7/23/06, Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 08:33 PM Sunday 7/23/2006, Nick Arnett wrote:
>The last two days, my little indoor/outdoor thermometer has recorded a
>temp of 117 degrees.

I suppose I should clarify that that was the maximum recorded
outsidetemperature.  The maximum inside temp was ... good heavens, 97
degrees.  In
my office!  But I think it has mostly been 77-82 in here, with A/C and
ceiling fans working all too hard.

Now I'm wondering when it hit 97... I suspect it was while the thermometer
was on top of my display, which, despite being a flat panel, puts out some

Allow me to clarify also: I was talking about glancing at the thermometer part of the clock display that is about a foot or two from my head when I am lying down on numerous occasions during the past couple of weeks or so and noticing it read "94.5°F"

it's down to 95 now, at 8 pm... .and we still don't care to walk the dog.
Nor does the dog seem especially inclined to keep moving much.

During the day the cat is similarly disinclined to move much. He has taken to lying on top of things with all four legs, his tail, and most of his head hanging over the edge putting them more in line with the output of the fan. On occasion he shifts position a bit and finds that in the new position enough of his mass is hanging over the edge to make him unstable, so "Clunk!" he goes to the floor and then jumps back up to try to get into the artificial breeze again.

It was nicer today. It rained pretty hard for awhile about lunchtime, although according to the news that plus the 2.5" we got over the weekend (according to my rain gauge) is not enough to get the water use restrictions lifted . . .

--Ronn! :)

I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
I never dreamed that I would see the last.
        --Dr. Jerry Pournelle


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