> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of jdiebremse
> Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2006 6:50 PM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: RFK Jr. interview
> > Or hard decisions.  We're in denial over Social Security, for
> > example.
> And its worth noting that Democrats were instrumental in torpedoing
> our best chance at Social Security reform in a generation....

One of the reasons I brought up Social Security was that I realized that it
wasn't just Republicans that were in denial.  We hashed out it pretty well
here during the time of the debate, and there were a lot of ways to slow the
growth of the Social Security provided to higher income people which would
effectively put a cap on Social Security in fixed dollars.  For example,
since I've been making maximum contributions most of my life, my wife and I
are now scheduled to get close to 40k/year in Social Security.  We don't
need anything more than inflation adjustment from now on...and I think it is
reasonable for us to be responsible for savings if we wanted more retirement
income. The folks at the bottom, though, aren't doing as well.  This plan
would address the shortfall without changing the philosophy of social

Bush wanted a sea change in philosophy.  I may have time to debate his views
on the US, but he definitely shows opposition to the philosophy behind
social security.  So, he used his political capital to use the need to
reform Social Security as a springboard to overthrow the idea behind social
security....getting the government out of the social security business and
replacing it with, essentially, 401k's.  

I'd place it in the "pox on both your houses" category of screw-ups.

Dan M. 


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