Okay, apparently some people on the list don't know about 
scientology. Scientotology itself is a UFO cult founded by a mentally 
ill science fiction writer.

It's arguable that the independent, "Freezone" Scientologists are not 
dangerous. However, the vast majority of Scientologists  belong to 
the "Church of Scientology", which most certainly IS.

The best place to start finding information on Scientology is 
Operation Clambake: http://www.xenu.net/

Here's some of the low-lights, however:

The CoS demands regular large sums of cash from members for study 
It often seperates people from their families and puts them into 
It is a regular abuser of SLAPPs, intimidates and blackmails judges 
and witnesses in its frequent court cases and mis-uses copyright laws 
to "protect" documents which have been freely avaliable on the 
internet for some time.
It requires its members do not follow doctor-ordered psychiatric 
It runs a number of recruiting and brainwashing programs under such 
covers are drug rehabilitation centers.
It stratifies the information avaliable to members, many are 
genuinely unaware that it is believes in UFOs, for example.
It hides its religious roots in certain countries such as Israel and 
Wales, where an overtly religious nature would put people off joining 
the cult.

And so on.

Under the thory of mind which I believe, Scientology also drives 
people insane, certainly there are a remarkably large number of cases 
of mental illness among practitioners of scientology. (Even higher 
that similar numbers under other cults).

And yes, I have a history of clashing with them, thanks to a friend 
whose parents are scientologists.


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