On 2 Sep 2006 at 17:29, William T Goodall wrote:

> On 2 Sep 2006, at 5:07PM, Andrew Crystall wrote:
> >
> > Yes, amazing how different it is if you, say, follow the teachings of
> > say Marx, or L. Ron Hubbard, or your grandma... Oh wait, it's not.
> You  are saying Marx, L Ron Hubbard and my grandma all have the same  
> 'teachings'? That seems a remarkable claim especially since AFAIK you  
> didn't know either of my grandmothers (who were very different and  
> wouldn't have had the same 'teachings' I think).

No, of course they don't have the same teachings. That's the point - 
there are a variety of non-religious creeds which vary from 
Scientology to Communism and so on. Blaming religion and religion 
only, as you do, is no more than predudice.

(And calling Scientology a religion is incorrect..it's a creed which 
operates as a "personal improvement program" and suchlike in several 
countries which react poorly to religious sentiment, such as Israel. 
That in itself quite clearly shows it's not a religion but a cynical 

> > And neither is the law society is driven by.
> >
> > The ONLY given with a militant atheist is that he is driven by hatred
> > and intolerence. Whuch you are. You're no different from the person
> > round here who drew slogons in paint over the wall of someones house
> > recently, calling the occupier gay.
> >
> Was that you?

No, but you share the mindset of the person who did it.

> It's certainly not the sort of thing I approve of at all.

Why not? You approve of hatred and intollerance against one group, 
what's people hating and being intollerant of another group?

> But I'm ethical Maru

So you claim. See above.

Dawn Falcon


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