On 9/9/06, Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is a vital point: ABC was _given_ the public airwaves --
a multi-billion dollar gift. People had to decide to drive to the
theater and pay ten bucks to see the Moore film if they chose to.
ABC will air "Path to 9/11" for free for two consecutive nights to
an audience that has a hard time discriminating between reality
and fiction when the fiction is presented as reality.

I think I see a way forward:

ABC can run a crawler under the entire miniseries (giving it
that "breaking news" feel) stating "THIS PART HAPPENED ...

I am deeply puzzled by the events of 9-11.  I am a conspiracy theorist and
have been from my earliest teen years in the 1950s.  But I have always felt
I could tell the likely conspiracy theories from the obvious bunk and
baloney.  I have never gone in for UFO testimonials, stories about pyramids
and so-called Watchers, the hollow earth and other weirdness.  I do find
likely, however, that multibillion dollar banks and other private financial
institutions have a great deal of influence on governments around the world
and that they are involved in the financing of our wars throughout history.
And since corruption in government is so commonplace in countries around the
world and throughout history, it is reasonable to suppose that these vast
accumulations of capital in private hands are in some cases involved in that
corruption and that huge bribes take place that are never detected or
prosecuted, and so forth.

But I am really confused about the 9-11 attacks.  What part happened?  What
part is fiction?  What part is propaganda?  Sure Osama bin Laden may have
had something to do with it, but how sure are we that he was not working at
someone's behest?  If our government is genuinely concerned about terrorism,
why do they continue to drag their feet in securing our ports and borders?
If millions of illegal aliens come into our nation every year, how can our
government be sure that there are no terrorists coming in and bringing
weapons of mass destruction with them?  Were controlled demolitions involved
in the collapse of the WTC towers?  How can we be sure one way or the
other?  If the towers were brought down with controlled demolitions, who
could have done it?  Why would they do it?  Did not Hitler and his followers
have something to do with the burning of the Reichstag in Germany during the
rise to power of the Nazis in that country?  Could the attacks on 9-11 have
been something like that?

My access to the Internet has caused me to become increasingly skeptical
about virtually all information sources.  I no longer know how to tell good
information from bad information, something I used to think I was good at.
I am now confused to the point where I do not know what to believe about
anything.  It seems like almost everything is smoke and mirrors and media

What do you think?  Is the official government story about 9-11 accurate?
Or are we being fed an official line that is covering up something far more
sinister?  I just don't know any more.

John W. Redelfs                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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