On Oct 22, 2006, at 1:51 PM, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

At 01:27 AM Sunday 10/22/2006, pencimen wrote:

For those few of us who saw the disaster that is Bush coming,

While some voted for Bush primarily because they thought that President Gore would be an even bigger disaster from which it might take even longer to undo the damage, if ever.

-- Ronn!  :)

I can't agree with you. Let me count the ways... no, I don't have that kind of time. I started listing the grand follies I could foresee even watching the 2000 campaign from Amsterdam, but the actual blooded tragedy list out-does anything I conjured - especially the Katrina fiasco. Besides, the rebuttals from killer B's have been pretty good.

I'll see your hand-waiving about shadowy Al-shaped boogie-monsters and raise you one extended parable of America as the Good Cop instead of Bad. If you want an interesting illustration of working "smarter" not "harder" on the problem of anti-terrorism, take a look at this alternate-history where Gore was actually president when 9-11 occurred and he {characteristically} engaged the moribund post-com high-tech industry and an eager world into a strong effective coalition of distributed social efforts to truly marginalize AQ.
It's more engaging than my little explanation does it justice.

- Jonathan -


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