On 24/10/2006, at 4:03 AM, Dave Land wrote:

On Oct 22, 2006, at 1:51 PM, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

At 01:27 AM Sunday 10/22/2006, pencimen wrote:

For those few of us who saw the disaster that is Bush coming,

While some voted for Bush primarily because they thought that President Gore would be an even bigger disaster from which it might take even longer to undo the damage, if ever.

What, precisely, are you talking about?

Remember, we're talking about 2000 here, not 2004. 9/11 had not
happened yet. We had not been converted into a nation of wusses
who cower in the corner and strip of our clothes while going to
the airport yet. We were still a nation that believed in the
rule of law, who believed that torture was the kind of thing that
the "bad guys" do to their prisoner.

And Bush got in by appealing to the sort of people who regard Democrats, especially environmentalist ones with an actual brain, as akin to communists in the 50s. That's what Ronn was referring to, I'd imagine. Not the majority of Republicans who would have voted anyway, but the mobilisation of the religious right, who they got moving by appealing to the sense that 8 years of Clinton was turning the White House into a bordello and allowing *shudder* *whisper* liberals *shudder* to run America....


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