I have only a few minutes, so can't reply fully, but
I'm going to call you on these, Dan:

DDT has been discussed here previously, and
net-impregnation has been cited as cost-effective and
reasonably safe (I either posted or re-posted a WHO
site on that months ago).  But I think that Charlie
trumps me on this subject, so I won't address it

You ignored my general call for less planned
obsolesence and picked on only one example, that of
home decor.  I will have to find sites on the growth
of Home Depots etc., and the logging of rare hardwoods
to supply furniture, decking and so forth -- forests
in Indonesia and the Amazon basin are being illegally
and unsustainably logged so that somebody can have a
mahogony table with matching sideboard and chairs etc.

Cows do indeed produce quantities of methane, as do
all ruminants (well, actually it's the bacteria in
their guts that produce methane and hydrogen sulfide
gases etc.); reducing meat consumption, in addition to
being healthier for the individual person, would
definitely be healthier for the planet.  Using
range-fed instead of feedlot cows wouldn't use up
perfectly good people-grade grain either.  (I eat
about one pound of cow, pig _and_ chicken, combined,
per week, except during holidays, when I entertain or
eat out with friends.)  

If gas goes to $8/gal, I will have to significantly
increase my fees - which many of my clients couldn't
then afford, as riding lessons are already cancelled
for financial reasons (just this Monday past, in fact,
one single mom apologized that she can't continue
because she's had to take on a second job -- of course
I told her that I understood times were difficult and
I hoped things got better for her) - or get an office
job, which would probably precipitate a return of
major depression, with nasty consequences for me.

More WRT projected diseases later-

Resistance Is Not Futile Maru

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