I wrote, and as usual thought of many things I ought
to have written as well, once I got in the car
<phththt!> :

<much snipped> 
> home decor.  I will have to find sites on the growth
> of Home Depots etc., and the logging of rare
> hardwoods...

Of course, there is a consumer-driven quest for
sustainable wood products that IIRC is called
Certified Forest Products (I'll have to check that);
these are available at several of the home building
suppliers (I'll have to look _that_ up too) , and
there was decent checking of such materials (IIRC
plywood, lumber and even hardwood flooring) before
they could be stamped/branded CFP.

>(well, actually it's the bacteria in
> their guts that produce methane and hydrogen sulfide
> gases etc) 

I used to know how much flatulence we humans produced,
but I have long forgotten that!  <sigh>  Yet another
thing to look up...

 >...wouldn't use up
> perfectly good people-grade grain either.  

So I'm not sure how I feel about using corn for
ethanol; is there really an advantage from the carbon
standpoint?  And what about the increase in price for
people-grade food that this is apparently already
causing?  I think I heard (NPR? Frontline?) that
there's a negative impact from production of some
biofuels as well...like cutting down rainforest to
plant palm oil trees.

> If gas goes to $8/gal, I will have to significantly
> increase my fees 

OK, that was a little whiny; still, I think it's not
fair to raise gasoline prices _that_ much, because
really marginal folk who have to drive for work, or
are forced to commute long distances b/c they can't
afford to live near work (frex actually a problem in
some ski resort areas, where companies are subsidizing
housing for food service and cleaning personnel).  I
think those who drive gas-guzzlers, like luxury SUVs
(what an oxymoron!) ought to pay a VAT-type penaly
tax, rather than everyone subsidizing their fuel hogs.

who will not get to much research today, as next
lessons are in an hour

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