Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been hearing LaRouche's name frequently after not having heard 
> of
> him for years.
> His orgs have some "Impeach Cheney First" movement going on ATM and 
> is
> getting some press.
> Last Friday some of his supporters were demonstrating (or something
> like that) at our local Post Office (Next to the Lutheran
> Church....for added topicality) and my Wife starts talking to them,
> and ends up donating $25. She comes home with a load of literature 
> and
> is very excited. I really hated telling her LaRouche is something of 
> a
> nutcase.
> The bad news is she gave them our email addresses.
> YIKES!!!!!!!
> xponent
> Former Communists For $100 Maru
> rob 


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