At 07:01 PM Friday 9/14/2007, Martin Lewis wrote:
>On 9/14/07, Ronn! Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >  What do these hypothetical costs that you have shown no evidence for
> > >got to do with reducing emissions?
> >
> > They present reasons why the proposal (at least as it is described in
> > the article referenced) is unrealistic.
>  You could indeed present several reasons why the proposal is
>difficult and possibly unwise to implement. This would be a non
>sequitar, of course, but hey.
>  Martin


non sequitur
One entry found for non sequitur.
Main Entry: non se·qui·tur
Pronunciation: 'nän-'se-kw&-t&r also -"tur
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, it does not follow
1 : an inference that does not follow from the 
premises; specifically : a fallacy resulting from 
a simple conversion of a universal affirmative 
proposition or from the transposition of a condition and its consequent
2 : a statement (as a response) that does not 
follow logically from or is not clearly related to anything previously said

It seems to me that pointing out a significant 
problem with the implementation of a proposal 
which was not addressed in the proposal is indeed 
clearly related to the proposal.

-- Ronn!  :)


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