Ah, the "Blood Type Diet", which is almost certainly pure woo:

"Allele O phylogenetic analysis suggests that the most frequent  
silencing mutation (deletion of a G in exon 6) appeared once in human  
evolution in the ancient O02 allele lineage and that allele O01  
resulted from an interallele exchange between O02 and A101. Assuming  
constancy of evolutionary rate, diversification of the representative  
alleles of the three human ABO lineages (A101, B101, and O02) was  
estimated at 4.5 to 6 million years ago."

Roubinet F, Despiau S, Calafell F, Jin F, Bertranpetit J, Saitou N,  
Blancher A. "Evolution of the O alleles of the human ABO blood group  
gene" _Transfusion_ (2004) May;44(5):707-15

4.5 - 6 million years ago. Not 4-6000 years ago.

Type O was the original paleolithic blood type. Type A showed up after
agriculture changed our diet from hunter/gatherer. Then type B, AB,

I didn't realize type O (high protein diets) correlates with internet
I am A positive which means I should be a vegetarian.
Instead I am a carnivore and like my steak medium rare.
 -- Jon  :{

Jon......that is all bull.
It is doubtful that there is any truth to it at all.
Pop Culture Crap Maru

i suspected as much since i crave meat and hate vegetables.  i used to
see a homeopathic m.d who wrote a diet and health book based on blood
i expect that any correlation between blood types and internet posters,
is even more unlikely.  i don't believe in astrology, either, although
i do have many characteristics of being a double virgo.

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