On Tue, 9 Oct 2007, jon louis mann wrote:

> i suspected as much since i crave meat and hate vegetables.  i used to
> see a homeopathic m.d who wrote a diet and health book based on blood
> types.
> i expect that any correlation between blood types and internet posters,
> is even more unlikely.  i don't believe in astrology, either, although
> i do have many characteristics of being a double virgo.

What does type B mean in terms of the woo?

(And I'm a Libra, as are 2 of my children.  On Chinese astrology, though, 
the Sheep outnumber the rest of us 3 to 2.  And the only reason I knew 
that was that I ate at a Chinese restaurant last night that had Chinese 
Zodiac placemats in the middle of each table, under glass tabletops. 
Nice food, I'll probably eat the leftovers in an hour or so.)



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