I am responding with the exact same message to two posts because I am
contemplating whether there is any point in replying to either.  I think I
know what the answer is, but since I _know_ I am often wrong, I will ask.

I see several very linked, yet very different issues raised in the short
thread on Wal-Mart.  I am interested in discussing all three issues, but I
am very uninterested in getting into a loop that I see bypassing the
questions at hand. 

One set of questions is somewhat personal.  The second involves the nature
of accepted evidence, the nature of reasonable arguments, etc. The third is
a discussion of the case at hand: if we (as I think we do) agree that
improving the lives of the poorer among is at least _a_ worthwhile goal, has
Wal-Mart done more to aid or more to harm those lives. 

With respect to the first question..as folks may, or may not, have noticed,
after posting here over a thousand times, my posts have dropped to near
zero.  I think it is fair to say that I am strongly opinionated.  I enjoy
passionate arguments about what's true, what's best, and what's
possible..and enjoy an opponent that gives as good as he/she gets.  This is
one of the reasons Gautam and I still go at it on instant messaging..we both
are very interested in determining what is right/best and will be willing to
change our minds in the presence of a persuasive argument..

But, I don't feel like Brin-L offers me that opportunity now.  I think the
best way to explain it is a story from my Dad.  He says, although he was a
good liberal pro-union guy, he always enjoyed William F. Buckley.  When I
asked why, he said "at least he was willing to get down in the mud and
wrestle with the common folk"  The other conservatives write as if they
issue their columns from the high mountains.far above the likes of him. 

I get that feeling here, in this thread.  I've seen it before with others.
It's been talked about here, and I am privy to the critical juncture in at
least one instance. I can still vividly recall telling Gautam to explain his
uncomfortable feelings, as a non-Christian, with the use of certain
variations of Christian arguments to counter his views.  I assured him that
if he honestly expressed how he was feeling, it would start a worthwhile
dialog.  I was very embarrassed when, instead of a response that indicated
any sensitivity to his religious sensibilities, he was simply told he was
full of it. It was as if Truth was proclaimed from on high, and mere mortals
had to just deal with it.  I still hope it wasn't intended that way, but
after multiple readings, it still read that way.

I want to explore that problem..not to rekindle the past, but because it's
now happening to me again.  I see potential value in that; but I understand
that it may involve discomfort.  So, I'm asking if those countering me in
this thread (Nick and Dave) would be willing to discuss the meta-issue.  If
not, then, I'll drop the subject.

Second, I've seen posts based on hours of work by me trying to find the
answer dismissed by a single story.  I don't think that's a valid
technique..but I tend to think that others do believe this; that it's the
story that touches our hearts that matters..not the statistics that indicate
trends that matter.  I think that it would be worthwhile discussing how and
why different people have different basis for decision making.  

The third question is the basic question about Wal-Mart.  From long
experience here, I think that all we'll do is go around in circles if we
don't address at least the second point...and will probably have problems if
we don't at least touch on ways to agree to disagree on the first point.

Look, I've been here close to a decade.  I tend to like community; and am
pained by having to live 4 days a week as a hermit..with a wife in Austin
and working at home. So, I like communities.especially long standing ones
I'm a member of..and hate to see them break up.

But, looking at my posting patterns for the last few months, it's clear that
I'm not that interested in posting much.  I think, now, I've hit on the
reason.  I'd like some resolution to these types of issues..and honestly
think that I'm not the only one who's had them.  But, I realize that I'm not
posting much now because I'd rather fade away to just the occasional post of
interest than spend time going in the same old circles.  

Finally, to make it crystal clear: I'm not threatening to quit; I'm making
no demands; I haven't seen any reason to unsubscribe.  But, I thought I'd
bring up an issue I have..out of respect for the length of time I've spent
with others on this list.  If folks think it worthwhile, I'd appreciate it.
If the issue is considered trivial by others, so it goes.

Dan M.


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