On Thu, 20 Mar 2008, Curtis Burisch wrote:

>>> Personally I don't like Apples, or fruit in general. I'm a meat and
>>> potatoes
>>> man.
>> That sounds like a very unhealthy diet which will affect your mental
>> and physical well-being in both the short and long term.
> That was just a figure of speech. I'm mostly vegetarian -- but I honestly
> don't like fruit, or anything sweet - chocolate, desserts, cakes, sugar in
> tea or coffee, or fruit.
> Regards
> Curtis

That does sound a lot like my friend, except she eats a fair amount of 

While she doesn't like eating anything sweet, she enjoys making desserts 
and truffles for other people.  This is a happy thing.  :)  Birthday 
presents from her tend to be quantities of a dessert that the recipient 
really likes.



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