I can't see wars being fought over food.  The problem will be cheap
energy.  With enough cheap energy you should be able to grow all the
food you want hydroponically with desalinated or recycled water pumped
to where ever you wish.

But to be honest, I think the next war will be religion vs technology.

When it becomes possible to extend the human life indefinitely, and
build super intelligent computers, and create new lifeforms.  It will
be the people who think it is wrong to play god who go to war against
the people who want to play god.

i think not, wayne.  religion is becoming more and more irrelevant in
advanced countries, population is not increasing like in the
undeveloped countries, where fundamentalism is out of control.  the
problem in the west is that we are materialistic consumers.  either we
will destroy ourselves, or we will break through to the singularity. 
in a war between science and religion, the jihadists will lose.  in a
war over food the have nots will lose.

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