Hi John,

Here in Australia most people are rather bemused by how drawn out the 
nomination process is, and wonder if it wouldn't be simpler to hold all the 
primaries on a single weekend and get it over and done with.

I think the majority of the Australian public would prefer it if Obama is 
the next president, as the Republicans are seen as unnecessarily belicose.

I would have thought that Obama & Clinton sniping at other over the past 
months will make it harder for the Democrats to win, but I can't believe 
that the American public will vote the Republicans back in after all the 
lives lost in an unnecessary war.


Wayne Eddy.

> Now that it looks like it's McCain vs. Obama (listed in alphabetical 
> order)
> I was wondering what you all think of this matchup. I'm especially
> interested in what
> our friends from outside of the USA think.
> john


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