Ronn! wrote:

> Being there.
> A faulty memory is a poor cite.  Not only wasn't inflation anywhere near
20% during the Carter administration, it wasn't anywhere near 4% immediately
prior to his election.

Here's another cite to go with the ones already posted:

And here's a quote from William's reference:

Carter cannot be blamed for the double-digit inflation that peaked on his
watch, because inflation started growing in 1965 and snowballed for the next
15 years. To battle inflation, Carter appointed Paul Volcker as Chairman of
the Federal Reserve Board, who defeated it by putting the nation through an
intentional recession. Once the threat of inflation abated in late 1982,
Volcker cut interest rates and flooded the economy with money, fueling an
expansion that lasted seven years. Neither Carter nor Reagan had much to do
with the economic events that occurred during their terms.


The Greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of
knowledge. --Stephen Hawking

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