Charlie Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> There is such a thing (provably) as an Evolutionarily Stable Strategy  
> that can lead to extinction, and I reckon the completely unregulated  
> market is one of them.

1) Why are you talking about a completely unregulated market? Is it because
it is easier to imagine some impossibly idealized system and then claim it
can never work rather than making a case that whatever specific rule you want to
impose on others today is definitely going to make them better off?

2) Would you care to explain why ESS's that lead to extinction did not lead
to extinction of the human race, but apparently will lead to extinction in
a market without an intelligent designer to keep things going? Talking about
Easter island is odd, since that is not the entire human race. Rather, in
your analogy that might represent a large company which goes bankrupt.



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