Dave said:

> 2) This, too, shall pass -- Either the tantrum will play itself out or
> others will learn not to try to engage someone whose only interest
> seems to be contradiction and sniping.

I don't suppose he cares one way or the other what I think as long as  
I don't force him to agree with me, but I think that John is not just  
contradicting people but arguing from a coherent position: many  
problems are too complex for even intelligent planners to solve  
centrally, their attempts to do so are often counterproductive,  
assembling a large number of levers of coercive power in the hands of  
governments amplifies the degree to which those planners can make far- 
reaching mistakes compared to the possibilities for planners in  
corporations, and governments tend to make those large and expensive  
mistakes with other people's resources at little cost to themselves

GCU Putting Words in His Mouth

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