Richard Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I don't suppose he cares one way or the other what I think as long as  
> I don't force him to agree with me, 

On the contrary, I am interested in what you think (and others here
as well). But being interested does not mean that I will refrain from
sarcastic remarks, which I apparently engage in when I feel that others
are imposing on me. No doubt it is a character flaw, but fortunately,
a relatively harmless one.

> many  
> problems are too complex for even intelligent planners to solve  
> centrally, their attempts to do so are often counterproductive,  
> assembling a large number of levers of coercive power in the hands of  
> governments amplifies the degree to which those planners can make far- 
> reaching mistakes compared to the possibilities for planners in  
> corporations, and governments tend to make those large and expensive  
> mistakes with other people's resources at little cost to themselves

Feel free to put words in my mouth anytime! That is more clear and concise
an explanation than I could have written, and the lever imagery is a nice



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