Richard Baker wrote:
> David said:
>> My favorites of his are the ones that start with
>> The Atrocity Archives.  Not everyone would come
>> up with Lovecraftian computer science.
> I must read more Stross. At the moment all I've read was "A Colder  
> War", which I thought was great (and which is available for free  
> online). 


I like all of his books, and recommend them highly.  None
are perfect, but all have some brilliant parts.  I'd say
that the best overall in terms of plot, imagery, humor and
writing is Glasshouse.  By the way, there's also a short
story in the Atrocity Archives sequence that's free online:

 > Having said that, I've had his _Singularity Sky_ and _Iron
> Sunrise_ on my bookshelves for a couple of years now and haven't quite  
> worked up enough enthusiasm to read them. I'm having - and here I  
> might have to turn in my Culture List membership - the same problem  
> with Banks' _The Algebraist_ and _Matter_.

All four are good.  Banks' books are always well-executed--
the worst complaint one can make is they're too much like
some of the others.

> The next fiction I'll read will probably be Greg Egan's  
> _Incandesence_. I've enjoyed his novels quite a lot, flawed though  
> they are, but wish there was more of a market for his short stories.  
> As I'll probably be off work ill for one more day I might read it  
> tomorrow.

What I've read of Egan, I really like.  He does have a "hard science"
point of view, which means he's not for everyone.  I did read the
short story "Riding the Crocodile", which seems to be set in the same

> Rich, who has some enthusiasm for reading the Baroque Cycle, but that  
> enthusiasm is outweighed by being intimidated by the sheer number of  
> pages.



The phrase "iron sunrise" is to "knuckle sandwich" as
blank is to "loose change"?  Analogies, Maru.

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