Julia Thompson wrote:
> OK, I'd love to hear from anyone who's been contributing to this thread:
> List *up to* three female Hispanic politicians, explaining to me why each 
> would make a good vice-presidential candidate.  If you only pick one, 
> that's fine.  Throwing URLs around right and left is providing 
> information, but it's providing me with too much at the moment, and if I 
> try to pursue it, I'm cluttering up an already-cluttered desktop.  If you 
> get down to the specifics, that THIS female Hispanic would be a good pick 
> for VP, and give me a convincing argument, that will stick a lot better 
> with me in the long run than just the statement, "We should be considering 
> female Hispanics for these positions."
Janet Napolitano, Governor of Arizona, did receive a lot of attention as 
a potential VP candidate for Obama this time around. Here are a few 
things from her resume:

1. She was U.S. Attorney for the Arizona District
2. She was Attorney General for Arizona.
3. She is in her second term as Governor.
4. She was the first female Governor to win re-election.
5. She was chair of the National Governor's Association, and the first 
female to hold that postion.
6. In 2005, Time Magazine named her one of the five best governors in 
the country.

So, I think she has executive experience, a detailed resume, and would 
probably be a good VP or President (and I am old-fashioned enough to 
think that if you would not be a good President you have no business 
being Vice-President). In fact, back in June and July she was my number 
one choice for the Democratic ticket. As Arizona has term limits that 
prevent her from running again for Governor, she is likely going to go 
for McCain's Senate seat in 2010.


Kevin B. O'Brien         TANSTAAFL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Linux User #333216

"There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're 
talking about." -- John von Neumann

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