> -----Original Message-----
> From: brin-l-boun...@mccmedia.com [mailto:brin-l-boun...@mccmedia.com] On
> Behalf Of Charlie Bell
> Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 9:15 PM
> To: Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion
> Subject: Re: Scouted: U.S. to collapse in next two years?
> My attitude is not "America sucks", it's "hey hang on, the whole world
> has done some great stuff and let's give credit where it's due"). It
> irritates me just as much when the Brits say "we totally cracked the
> Enigma code, dude", 'cause the three-wheel Enigma was cracked by a
> Pole, who came up with the first calculating machines (the "bombes"),
> and this work was smuggled out of Poland in the diplomatic bag. This
> doesn't diminish in any way from Turing et al, who went on to crack
> the 4 and 5 wheel machines, and the Post Office engineer who built
> Colossus, and so on.
> We're ALL standing on the shoulders of giants. Just cause the States
> is the biggest guy in the room right now doesn't make him the *only*
> guy in the room.

You know you've now changed the subject from the original topic.  I was
arguing, rather convincingly IMHO, that the US was not horrid and not about
to fall.  Now, you change the argument to "the US is not the only country of
worth; many other folks in many other countries have done good things.
Furthermore, we're all dependant on the good work of those who came before

You have now forced me into the following response by this action sir:

I agree with you.

Dan M. 


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