>Which shows how diametrically different Galactic lawyers are to US 
lawyers, who are frequently hired to find some way of making the 
contract say the exact opposite of what it is meant to say because 
one of the signatories wants to do what he wants rather than what he agreed to.


>"In one respect at least the Martians are a happy people; they have 
no lawyers." -- Edgar Rice Burroughs, "A Princess of Mars"

Actually, it is much more subtle than that.  Lawyers are like bees.  They 
really can be very useful.  But in large quantities they kill.

My allegory?  How can we both help Russia and the US at the same time?

Send tham half our lawyers - freedom in both countries will go up.

Send half the graduates of our Business Schools.  Both economies skyrocket.

Send half of Nasa's managers.  We get a good space program, they get some good 
farm labor.

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