At 07:07 PM Thursday 7/9/2009, hkhenson wrote:

snip (considerable)

On the other hand, also coming into my screen today was a blog entry from The Oildrum, specifically a<> guest blog under the byline of "Gail the Actuary" in which an expert on space-based solar power explained how a new approach to the launch of vehicles may be able to cut the cost enough that space-based solar energy would become an answer, even the answer, to our future energy problems. Space-based solar arrays are one of those technologies that are always somewhere over the horizon, and some would say over the rainbow. If you take a few minutes to read this blog, and again the comments, you find the dissonance on full display. On the one hand you have a person saying that there may be an energy answer after fossil fuels. On the other hand you have lots of people not only saying it is not possible, but directly arguing that a human die-back is more desirable than cheap energy.

And as I always ask folks who express similar ideas, how many of them volunteered to start it by being the first to go right now?

. . . ronn! :)

I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
I never dreamed that I would see the last.
        --Dr. Jerry Pournelle


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