At 11:00 AM 7/11/2009, Charles Bell wrote:

And anyway - reducing populations by lowering breeding rates is just
as effective, and as has been shown the world over, as populations
become more affluent and better educated they breed later and less
(often choosing to have none or one child).

So the answer to the population crisis is development and education,
not culling.

The problem is the time constant to reduce the population by reduced breeding. It is going to be very hard to increase affluence in an energy crisis, it may even become impossible to feed the world population if the supply of energy largely fails.

Various system dynamic models that don't include a large input of energy show the population falling from a peak of about 7 billion to one or two billion by the end of the century. No country on earth is immune to such a drop in population. The US for example might be "blessed" with only half the population starving, other places would get hit much harder.

Keith Henson

PS for the details on an energy proposal.


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