On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 1:36 PM, Max Battcher<m...@worldmaker.net> wrote:
> What a sad, cynical worldview you live in.

There's alway blissful fantasy to live in. Picture the livers in Nancy
Kress's _Beggars in Spain_  series...although if our politicians were
as honest as her donkeys, I might consider it.

> How is the political "pork" market all that different, or that far removed,
> from any other "free" market? More importantly: how is it that the
> politicians taking bribes are worse than the corporations giving them?

The key difference is the politicians have the power to coerce us, to
force us to give them our money and obey their rules.

> To laud one sort of corruption
> and simultaneously despise another seems to me a hypocritical thing to do.

I am not aware of anyone here lauding any sort of corruption. But I am
not my brother's keeper. As long as no one forces me to be a party to
the corruption, my attitude is live and let live. Unfortunately,
politicians give us no choice: obey, or be imprisoned. No doubt
businesspeople would like to have the same power, but they only have
the power that the politicians allow them.


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