On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Chris Frandsen<lear...@mac.com> wrote:

> Now what is your attitude towards passing your wealth on to family members?

None of my business, unless it is my wealth. Right now, most of my
estate is slated to go to a couple charities I favor. I doubt I will
change that significantly (possibly the specific charities may change,
depending on how many years I have left and what the future

> Corporations today have rights as corporate citizens that you and I do not
> have, one of which is with regards to national borders.  As a libertarian ,
> what is your position on corporations and their wealth?

Please don't ask me questions that begin "as a ____"...I won't answer
them in the future. I am John. As John, my position on corporations
and their wealth is, none of my business (unless of course I am an
owner or partner).

As for my position on national borders, I am against them. Let
everybody in, or out, or make in and out meaningless.


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