>>This paper (pdf) shows how MOG (Modified Gravity or >>Scalar-Tensor-Vector) >>theory explains the Bullet cluster 'proof' of dark matter without dark >>matter:
>>This article argues, weakly, that the apparent acceleration of the >>universe can >>be explained without Dark energy (and they hope to refine their theory >>more and
>>produce some testable predictions):

> Interesting stuff!

Dr. Brin, in one of your recent blog posts you mention the article about dark energy but not the paper about dark matter. This is confusing, because the paper on dark matter is the much more interesting of the two, seeing as it doesn't rely on any might-be's or other supposition's, but rather takes existing data and matches it against the current MOG theory, and shows how the theory matches the data, as is. MOND/TeVeS may be dead theories, but it appears MOG is still a viable alternative to Dark Matter.


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