On 25/11/2009, at 11:05 PM, Trent Shipley wrote:

> Charlie Bell wrote:
>> On 25/11/2009, at 9:57 PM, Trent Shipley wrote:
>>> It would take time to wean myself off Microsoft even if someone
>>> made an desktop operating system that was twice as good.
>> There is. I did. 
> I have Kubuntu, Ubuntu, OS X, and Vista(*2) on machines at home and I
> use XP at work.  I have to use Explorer for my A+ distance learning
> class at the community college and work would be impossible without the
> application that *only* run on Windows desktops.  I had to have Windows
> to complete my MS in Information Management.

Right, so you use Windows when you must, and other stuff you prefer when you 
don't. My point.

I support windows at work. I use OSX at home 'cause I can. 

> My contention is that for Microsoft market domination translates into a
> tactical margin of error since their products are critical and well nigh
> universal infrastructure.  Replacing Microsoft would require a
> competitor that can beat Microsoft in the market over the long haul
> (maybe Google Linux based OSes) and that wants to (Apple is very happy
> as a boutique brand.  Apple doesn't *want* to unseat Microsoft.)  Google
> search is a transient service.  In literally a few minutes I can decide
> another service is better, and if I do decide a competing search service
> is better, I *will* forsake Google.

Yep, I agree. Point is, for what you want to do for yourself, you have choice. 
For stuff other people define, you're stuck with the behemoth... That's fine by 
me. I like that OSX is niche. I like that there's a huge body of open-source. 
And I don't mind the majority using something else.



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