On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:26 PM, John Williams wrote:

From my point of view, the current political situation in
the US is a disaster and just too depressing to even think about.

It is depressing, isn't it? What passes for discourse in this country these days brings images to my mind of tribes of screeching monkeys flinging feces at each other. Too many people are focusing all their effort on out-shouting anyone tho disagrees with them, and putting no effort at all into actually listening or trying to gain real understanding. Yes, I find that very depressing indeed.

It doesn't help that many of the people now shouting the loudest are people who are, indirectly, actively arguing for their own ruin, because they don't even stop to think what the words they're shouting actually mean, because they proudly refuse to allow their minds to be corrupted by knowledge. Happily, I can't say this describes anyone here. Sadly, it describes a lot of people in a lot of other places. I have no words for how that makes me feel. Depressed just seems to be a pitiful understatement.

"Giving kickbacks to the wealthy isn't creating wealth, it's just giving kickbacks to the wealthy." -- Toby Ziegler


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