There is NO WAY an ordinary wage-earner could have saved enough to cover the 
sort of insurance-inflated medical bills common today. Call around and ask what 
various procedures and prescription medications cost. I have insurance because 
I worked for a University. A lot of people were unable to get work with people 
who offer insurance at that level. Call around and ask what these procedures 
and meds cost for someone without insurance. 

Then make a budget that allows for rent, food, transportation, etc AND savings 
at that level.

Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 09:14:56 -0700
Subject: Re: Down with the government

On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Pat Mathews <> wrote:

Besides which, we greedy geezers will pass our ill-gotten wealth down to you 
hard-pressed Xers and your children in due time via the normal process of 
inheritance, if the medical bills needed to keep us functioning don't eat every 
last bit of it up. 

Not greedy, in most cases, just poor financial planners / lack of understanding 
of future costs vs. savings. As demonstrated by the above comment.

As a group, Americans nearing the age they expect to retire have saved far too 
little to support themselves and their care until they die (which is a lot 
longer now than it was 50 years ago).  In the aggregate, there is not going to 
be wealth, ill-gotten or otherwise, to pass on. The reverse, actually.


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