Yea, what's the deal?  Anyone home?  Anyone read anything good/interesting?
 I recently listened to For Whom the Bell Tolls and am now listening to a
book called The Mongoliad, Greg Bear being one of several co-authors.  The
Hemingway was very stark and depressing and a bit obsessed with death but
very good all the same.  The Bear (et al) is an action packed thriller set
during the Mongolian invasion of Europe.  I'm also reading Incidents in the
Life of a Slave Girl  by Harriet Ann Jacobs which is interesting and a bit
of an eye opener.


On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Dan Minette <> wrote:

> Hi Debbi,
> I don't think you've been deleted.  But we've been real quiet.
> Dan M.
> _______________________________________________

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