Hi. New subscriber here. I have a few questions for anyone using BRLTTY
with Windows or Android. Neither BrailleBack on Android or NVDA on Windows
provide that many commands with my Braille display, so I've been looking
into using BRLTTY since it seems like it might provide more.
On Android, I installed BRLTTY from the Play Store with no problem. I
already have TalkBack and BrailleBack enabled. Do I need to have
BrailleBack enabled if BRLTTY is running? Also, is there anything special I
need to do to make TalkBack and BRLTTY work together?
On Windows, I'm having some problems. I installed BRLTTY without a problem,
but I can't get it to work with NVDA. I tried installing BRLAPI the way the
docs say to do, but it won't install. It keeps saying Python version -32 is
required and wasn't found in my registry. I installed the latest versions
of Python, both 32 and 64-bit, and also tried Python 3.2.5, but none of
them seem to be detected. In case BRLAPI was already working, I tried
configuring NVDA to use BRLTTY. It seems like everything loaded but my
Braille display still isn't working. Finally, I tried running BRLTTY in
debug mode in case the log helps. Here's what that showed:
brltty.exe: configuration directive specified more than once:
brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: configuration directive specified more than once:
brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: configuration directive specified more than once:
BRLTTY 6.3 rev BRLTTY-6.3M [http://brltty.app/]

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: BrlAPI Server: release 0.8.2

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: feature not supported: service ready notification

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

brltty.exe: messages locale not found: en_US

What do I need to do to get BRLTTY to work with NVDA here?
I hope you can help. Thanks.
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