Hi everyone,

Thanks for the comment Shérab.  I changed my key bindings yesterday and it was so easy I was almost (almost!) disappointed when it worked so well.  My new mapping just focuses on rockers, although I may be altering some others (the fact that the Braille keyboard is turned off by default and requires additional keys is a bit strange, but I don't use the Braille keyboard that often anyway).

I've remapped as follows, it made more sense to me: top left rocker = LNUP (line up), bottom left rocker = LNDN (line down), top right rocker = FWINLT (previous Braille window), bottom right rocker = FWINRT (next Braille window).  In addition, I have changed some key combinations, so going to the top/bottom of the screen, going at the cursor position, or going at the beginning of a line (that's things I often do on a daily basis) are more intuitive to me.  I can attach the rockers.kti file if you want, but really, it's so simple to change these keys, just place the altered /input/ht/rockers.kti in /etc/xdg/brltty/rockers.kti and change whatever you want in the latter.

Thanks Dave for describing the process.  I'll be trying to find th list of commands to which I can remap because I didn't find the list itself, but I believe it's in the manual.


On 3/9/2018 7:07 PM, Shérab wrote:
Dear Vincent and all,

I started to use an HandyTech ActiveStar 40 one week ago, too.

Although I do not use the internal notetaker and have thus no idea about
what the reference bindings are, I also considered altering the
bindings that come with brltty, because I find some of them a bit counter
intuitive or unpractical.

I agree that the bindings used to change the currnet window, for
instance, could be improved, atleast on my device. The ones you suggest,
Vincent, look more natural to me, too.

Best wishes and many thanks for having started this thread,

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