Hi Tassilo,

it's really simple: with biblatex one can add bibliography database
files with `\bibliography' (same syntax as LaTeX built-in bibliography
system) or `\addbibresource'.  Here
http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/21439/31416 you can see the main
differences between the two macros.  Both can be used multiple times,
and it's here that RefTeX fails.

Following is a minimal working example.  In order to use RefTeX
`texbook1.bib' and `texbook2.bib' should be in the same directory of
the document.  They come with a full TeX Live, but you can also
download them from http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/biblio/  If
you prefer, use your own bibliography files.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---

\cite{Abdelhamid:VLB92} % in texbook1.bib
\cite{Abelson:SIC85} % in texbook2.bib
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

The user should be able to insert both citation keys using RefTeX, but
it will use only keys from `texbook1.bib'.   A workaround is to use a
comma separated list of files with `\bibliography', but
`\addbibresource' is the standard biblatex way to specify bibliography
resources and it must be given one resource per macro.  As I already
said, AUCTeX without RefTeX uses correctly both bibliography


2013/10/31 Tassilo Horn <t...@gnu.org>:
> Mosè Giordano <giordano.m...@libero.it> writes:
> Hi!
>> sorry, I didn't specify that this occurs when the bibliography is
>> typeset using biblatex, with that package it's legal to use more than
>> one `\bibliography'.  Moreover, using `\addbibresource' instead of
>> `\bibliography' (and this is the standard in `biblatex') it's
>> impossible to use a comma separated list of bibliography database
>> files, so multiple `\addbibresource's are needed.
> Ah, I see.  I've never used biblatex myself.  Could you please attach a
> minimal, commended tex file that demonstrates and explains all valid
> (and invalid) possibilities of including bibliographies when using
> biblatex.
> Bye,
> Tassilo

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