--- Comment #1 from Richard Biener <rguenth at gcc dot> ---
Btw, passing -relax to the assembler makes it assemble OK, producing

Disassembly of section P:

00000000 <_copy>:
   0:   ef 2e                           mov.l   r2, r14
   2:   61 0e                           cmp     #0, r14
   4:   ef 12                           mov.l   r1, r2
   6:   21 0a                           bne.b   10 <.L7>
   8:   02                              rts
   9:   fd 70 40 00 00 00 80            nop     ; max   #0x80000000, r0

00000010 <.L7>:
  10:   ef 31                           mov.l   r3, r1
  12:   ef e3                           mov.l   r14, r3
  14:   7f 8f                           smovf
  16:   02                              rts
  17:   03                              nop

likewise writing bne.b instead of bne in the assembly.  That's odd
since w/o the .balign and without -relax gas produces the same:

00000000 <_copy>:
   0:   ef 2e                           mov.l   r2, r14
   2:   61 0e                           cmp     #0, r14
   4:   ef 12                           mov.l   r1, r2
   6:   21 03                           bne.b   9 <_copy+0x9>
   8:   02                              rts
   9:   ef 31                           mov.l   r3, r1
   b:   ef e3                           mov.l   r14, r3
   d:   7f 8f                           smovf
   f:   02                              rts

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