On Monday 09 March 2009 15:18:25 hggdh wrote:
> Every so often I run a make check, and (more eventually) a root make
> check. After a git pull & remake this morning, I ran a root check, and
> got a failure on install-C-root.

Thank you for the report. Unfortunately I am not able to reproduce it. Can you 
give me more details?
- architecture
- kernel
- glibc version (if any)

> I am unsure on what was intended, or if even this failure is real (I am
> not familiar, yet, with ginstall), but decided to post the output, just
> in case.

(g)install is an utility similar to cp which is commonly used to install files
to system. The new option -C tells (g)install to not copy the file if not 
necessary (to preserve its original timestamps).

In the test failure install -C is called twice to install file with effective 
UID/GID. So on the second call the file should not be copied. From the log is 
not obvious if the first call fails to set UID/GID or the second call fails 
to detect it.

Thanks in advance for additional info!


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