Is it possible that the target drive is an SMR model?

On 21/01/2023 10:30 am, Chevy Bullido wrote:

I've been using ddrescue for many years and I owe so much to this app🙏
I've helped so many people with it.

During all these years, I've noticed that when cloning even healthy drives,
the cloning process freezes for a few seconds (6, 10, 14...) and after it
keeps going like nothing happened. Is this normal? Or is something that I'm
doing wrong? This is the typical command that I use when cloning:

*ddrescue -v -P8 -f /dev/sdc /dev/sdd cloneTeresaFinal.log*

And here is a video of the problem I'm describing:

Thank you for your time and for this amazing app 🙏

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