You would be best advised not to run CHKDSK in repair mode on a potentially failing drive. That's because Microsoft is more concerned with maintaining a consistent file system, so it will sacrifice your data to this end.

When a file system becomes RAW, it means that some metadata has become corrupt or unreadable to the extent that Windows is unable to identify and/or mount the volume. Windows then treats the NTFS volume as just a bunch of bits. The most common reason that this happens is that some critical sectors have become unreadable.

I would examine the SMART report. Look for non-zero raw values for the reallocated, pending and uncorrectable sector counts.

On 2/02/2023 2:21 am, wrote:

    I am interested in your program Ddrescue as it may prove to be useful
    for my scnario. I have written up details of my problem and posted them

    SSD Specifications:
    Samsung 2.5" EVO 970 1TB
    Partition 1 on letter X:\ with 512,001 MB as NTFS on MBR. Formatted
    with 4096 cluster size. Approximately, 280 GB was used and written to.
    Note that this SSD has no physical damage and is in excellent health.
    Samsung software disk quality checks, firmware updates and full format
    were ran before putting into use.
    Running robocopy.exe from the SSD to cloud storage overnight. Awoken in
    morning to find SSD in 'corrupt' state and unable to access data via
    Windows Explorer. USB C ports were intact, no removal of wires or loss
    of power and unknown why this has occurred.

    May I kindly request for urgent assistance in my matter. I'm attempting
    to clone the SSD that may contain bad sectors before attempting to

    Kind regards,



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