I have just been installing ddrescue on MacOS on M1 Mac.

The documentation says:

/5. Type 'make install' to install the programs and any data files and//
//   documentation.//
//   Or type 'make install-compress', which additionally compresses the//
//   info manual and the man pages after installation.//
//   (Installing compressed docs may become the default in the future)./

On recent MacOS, doing this gives:

MacMiniM1 ddrescue-1.27 % make install
if [ ! -d "/usr/local/bin" ] ; then install -d -m 755 "/usr/local/bin" ; fi
install -m 755 ./ddrescue "/usr/local/bin/ddrescue"
install: /usr/local/bin/ddrescue: Permission denied
make: *** [install-bin] Error 71

Apple has become a bit paranoid about access to various directories in the last 
few years. sudo overcomes this problem, ie,

sudo make install

There may be other solutions.



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