Derek Price wrote:

>This was about what I was thinking, though I was going to combine
>canon_host & canon_host_r in the canon-host module and let the caller
>decide what to call.  How about this API:

Hrm.  Why isn't canon-host dependant on getaddrinfo?  It would simplify
the canon-host code so much that it would probably be all right to LGPL
it.  It would also mean that canon-host could just return error codes
suitable for gai_strerror.  I'll have to extend lib/getaddrinfo.c a
little to fill in ai_canonhost and add the gai_strerror function.  Would
that be acceptable?

Come to think of it, after that, canon-host would be a pretty thin
wrapper around getaddrinfo.  Perhaps it would be best to tweak
getaddrinfo and drop the canon-host module entirely?



Derek R. Price
CVS Solutions Architect
Ximbiot <>
v: +1 717.579.6168
f: +1 717.234.3125

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