"bug-gnuzilla list run by lduros at gnu.org" - https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-gnuzilla

Please continue this discussion with the admin if you are unsatisfied.

On 2017-03-19 01:18, Julie Marchant wrote:

Libre software is about freedom to control your computing, not freedom to choose a proprietary OS. The FSF supports compiling for Windows because it helps users to transition to libre software.

Attacking users for making a bad decision (Windows) is unproductive and hurtful, but not directly at odds with libre software principles as you suggest.

Julie Marchant

On Mar 18, 2017 8:08 PM, The Canadian Bacon <wowzama...@gmail.com> wrote:

    It's​ funny, GNU is about freedom of choice, yet just about every
    message I read has people trampling over others choice of
    operating system.

    It's appalling to read almost every day these arguments. Yes,
    sometimes it's hard to support different platforms. I'm a software
    engineer myself, so I know the complexities of supporting
    different systems, if the maintainer doesn't want to support said
    platform I'm not going to argue, but if others are going to bash
    people for their choices, it's basically like reading poison. Just
    stop with it, it gets us no where and it goes against the very
    principal of GNU.

    I'm at the point where I just want to unsubscribe to the mailing
    list, it's that bad.

    On Mar 18, 2017 2:32 PM, "Julie Marchant" <onp...@riseup.net
    <mailto:onp...@riseup.net>> wrote:

        On 03/18/2017 01:37 PM, awake...@tutanota.de
        <mailto:awake...@tutanota.de> wrote:
        > I sense deep treachery however.

        What you "sense" is a conspiracy theory, and it's ridiculous.
        IceCat is
        not important in the grand scheme of things for anyone who
        isn't a libre
        software supporter, so there is no cause for a conspiracy.
        there is no evidence for a conspiracy. What you are seeing is
        more than user dissatisfaction. It's not just here, either;
        dissatisfaction has been expressed on the Trisquel forum.

        Personally, I think it would be great if both of these
        projects could be
        handed off to someone else. After all, Ruben is clearly
        However, this is an imperfect world and there don't seem to be
        any takers.

        Also, even the FSF supports building software for Windows.

        Anyway, please stop flooding my inbox with screeching about your
        conspiracy theories. That is not what I am subscribed to this
        list for.

        Julie Marchant

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