Update of bug #39306 (project grub):

                  Status:                Wont Fix => Invalid                


Follow-up Comment #8:

This is not a right place to contribute. This is a bug tracker. For
contributions use grub-de...@gnu.org. The script is not acceptable as-is as it
would encourage bad practice (use of indices). Another problem is the
language: we don't use perl at all and introducing a new dependency for a
secondary script is not an option. Changing to 'Invalid' since it's not a bug
report. The task you've chosen is not fully solvable since menus can be
generated dynamically, consider following:
for x in (*); do
   if [ -f $x/vmlinuz ]; then
      menuentry "Boot vmlinuz from $x" --menuentry-id "$x" "$x" {
            set root=$1
            linux /vmlinuz
You can't even know how mayn entries this generates and depending on this all
the following indices may shift as well, yet another reason not to use
I'd happily discuss this and other issues but as I said this is not a right
As to whether you want to walk away, it's really your choice, I was just
pointing out that your solution doesn't fit into correct usage of concerned


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