Follow-up Comment #9, bug #39306 (project grub):

OK, then tell me how else I can get a list of menuentries without having to

Without such a list, grub-set-default and grub-reboot are effectively

I wrote my script because I had a need for it, and there was nothing else to
do the job.  It's a useful tool that I would have expected should come with
grub (and the absence of such a tool *IS* a bug), but it doesn't so I had to
write my own.

Various versions of it have served me well for well over 10 years, starting
with a version I wrote for legacy grub to extract the info from
/boot/grub/menu.lst not long after i switched from LILO to grub in the late

It might be possible to run a loop as you describe in grub.cfg itself, but I
have never seen it on any of hundreds of systems over the years - I don't
think anyone actually uses that feature.  

certainly not me, or any of the linux distros I use...all menu entries I've
ever seen in grub.cfg (and earlier in menu.lst) are generated as static
entries by update-grub/grub-mkconfig (sort of like at "compile-time" rather
than run-time)


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