Olaf Buddenhagen <olafbuddenha...@gmx.net> writes:

> BTW, this is slightly off-topic: but AIUI, your main objection to
> signing a copyright assignment is the requirement to provide updates on
> your employer?

This was the onerous clause in 2000:

| 2. Developer will report occasionally, on its initiative and whenever
| requested by FSF, the changes and/or enhancements which are covered by
| this contract, and (to the extent known to Developer) any outstanding
| rights, or claims of rights, of any person, that might be adverse to
| the rights of Developer or FSF or to the purpose of this contract.

Firstly, it seems unfair that, having given software to the FSF,
I would have a permanent duty to report claims of adverse rights,
while others who gave nothing would have no such duty.

Secondly, it might conflict with NDAs in my work.

I sent email to ass...@gnu.org today, asking whether they still
use this clause, and requesting a copyright assignment form for
Hurd changes made during the years 2016 to 2018 if not.

I did not request copyright assignment forms for GNU Mach and MIG
because you wrote those are not required.  I'll have to discuss
things with my employer before posting patches, though.

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